
Gemlik Olive Geographical İndications Gemlik Olive Video Gemlik Olive Manufacturers


Olive Varieties
Olive Benefits
History Of The Olive
Olive Tree
Olive Leaf
Olive Production Statistics
Olive Diseases and Pests
Olive Tree Legends
Olive Oil
Olive Oil Benefits
Features of the Gemlik olive, unlike other Olive Gemlik, olives do not require a special soil and can grow on morphological, physiological, not mountainous, rocky and calcareous soil. Gemlik olive received this name from the geographical area in which seedlings are planted olive production as is done here, and especially Gemlik olive depends from air, water, soil, climate and in processing.
1. Name and synonyms Gemlik, Trilye, wrapping paper, Curly and Black
2. Origin Gemlik district of Bursa
3. Geographic location Bursa, Tekirdag, Kocaeli, Bilecik, Kastamonu, Zonguldak, Sinop, Samsun, Trabzon, Balıkesir, İzmir, Manisa, Aydın, İçel, Adana, Antalya, Adıyaman in these areas are cultivated olives
4. Morphological features
Power Middle Power
Habit usually medium-sized, smooth, round shape in the form of crown
Dense crown branches are in good condition
Color branches gray-green color and short nodes
Condition of branches open directly , young branches are wide open. The lower branches are lowered
Body force middle power
Body color gray-green
Body Surface Condition On the body surface is radial reliefs. Typically the shell is smooth
Form short, broad elliptical
Handle color gray-green
Average height 50.68 mm
Average numbers of flowers 14
Size middle
Form round-cylindrical
Weight (100 fruit) 372.80 gr
Volume (100 fruit) 370.00 cm3
1 kg of fruit 268 pieces
% Value of meatı 85.86
% Value of oil 29.98
Weight (100 seed) 52.70 gr
Volume (100 seed) 50.00 cm
% value of seed in the fruit 14.14
Physiological features
Development of power Middle power
Yield Yielding
Periodicity Status With good care provides regular product
Flowering Period 12 May- 9 June
Condition of fertilization very effective kinds of olives of Ayvalik Chakyr recommended for crossing with Gemlik olives
Based on the weighted classification are the columns count Gemlik variety olives.
Clones Profit Periodicity

Pulp of fruit

Number of fruits in kg

G 20/1 400 400 80 30 910
O 12 320 400 80 50 850
O 12 400 320 50 10 780
G 4/3 320 320 80 50 770
G 12/2 320 320 50 50 740
G 20/3 320 320 50 50 740
M 2/3 320 320 50 30 720
G 20/5 320 200 100 30 650
G 20/8 200 320 80 50 650
İ 18/3 200 320 80 50 650
O 9 120 400 80 50 650
M 16/1 200 320 100 10 630
0 24 200 320 80 30 630
M 4/3 120 400 50 50 620
M 12/2 200 400 10 50 560
G 10/1 200 200 50 50 500
G 20/6 320 120 50 10 500
M 12/1 200 200 50 30 480
G 12/3 200 120 100 50 740
G 2/1 200 200 10 30 440
115/3 200 120 50 10 370
M 16/2 200 120 30 10 360
12/1 40 40 100 100 280

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